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Previous Events
Students in Public Health – Corona Corps Global Learning Community
Many institutions have mobilized talented, energetic students, working with public health authorities, to stem the coronavirus pandemic. This group gives students a global community of peers with whom to share experiences. Open to students at all levels, engaged or interested in public health. Contact Elly Vandegrift, Program Director, Global STEM Education Initiatives for more information.
Teaching COVID-19 – Corona Corps Global Learning Community
Supports faculty who have developed course content about the virus or public health response. This may include the development of COVID-19-focused curriculum, teaching strategies, student projects, and more. Faculty will learn from each other and create a shareable teaching resource bank. Contact Elly Vandegrift, Program Director, Global STEM Education Initiatives for more information.
Containing COVID on Campus – Corona Corps Global Learning Community
APRU Teaching in Virtual Environments
Innovation in Online Learning
Transitioning our courses online has provided opportunities for innovation. Have you tried a new technology? Created videos for a flipped classroom? Discovered a new way to engage students in a difficult topic? Changed your content to respond to the realities of the pandemic? In this session we will hear about online teaching innovations from APRU teaching experts. Using the breakout rooms, we will then have time for discussion in small groups and return to the large room for the full group discussion. Join us for this opportunity to learn from our network as we continue to adapt our courses to remote instruction.
APRU Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed during the APRU Global Health Working Group Webinars: Teaching in Virtual Environments (Part II) are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (“APRU”) and its employees. APRU is not responsible and does not verify for accuracy any of the information contained in the series.
STEM Education across the APRU Network: Shaping Learning Experiences for Students
During this panel, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) faculty from across the APRU network will discuss how innovative STEM education teaching practices can be culturally responsive and adapted to the wide variety of learning environments around the Pacific Rim. Reforming STEM classroom experiences changes the paradigm of the traditional classroom environment. Instead of viewing students as vessels to receive knowledge through expertly delivered lectures, students become active participants in each class session through activities, discussions, and assessments designed to challenge and engage students deeply in their own learning. Implementation of modern pedagogical approaches creates a mechanism to quickly respond to changing academic environments and leads to improved teaching and improved student outcomes across STEM disciplines, especially for students who are underrepresented in STEM disciplines. Cognitive science and STEM education research support the benefits of evidence-based teaching, which, when paired with high-impact practices such as global engagement can allow for novel opportunities to cross traditional academic silos and enrich the student experience.
This year (2020), as faculty have moved to remote learning in response to the coronavirus pandemic, has given STEM faculty across higher education the opportunity to examine ways that our inclusive teaching practices and our disciplinary lenses can continue to support global education as a central component of student learning.
By attending the faculty panel APRU Senior International Leaders will:
Learn about ways that STEM faculty in the APRU network are teaching science courses with student-centered teaching methods;
Hear reflections from panelists on how their teaching varies across cultural and national boundaries;
Understand the unique benefits for improved science education only accessible when one applies the model in multiple societies across diverse cultural settings;
Hear practical approaches STEM faculty in the network have used to support learning for diverse student populations across the Pacific Rim during this time of upheaval and transformation of traditional academic environments.